Group Dynamics
I'm in the process of selecting a committee that I'm in charge of for next year. It's hard. The biggest problem I'm facing is making a group that will work well together while not making a committee of people who are all the same. If your group is all alike, it looks like an exclusive committee which keeps out people who are not like the members. I'm a firm believer in hiring the best person instead of the person who looks the best to others. For example, in the NFL, teams are often criticized for not having enough diversity among the coaching staff. Well, if the best people are all of the same ethnic background, then so be it. Being diverse at the expense of good group dynamics is stupid. The same goes for group building in the church, but it is a little different because you want to get as many people involved as possible. Church is a funny thing like that. I'm frustrated at how politically correct we have become in this country (and sometimes church) at the expense of making the right decision.
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